That, That’s The Feeling (2023)
That, That’s The Feeling found its beginning when one of the artist collective members, TSU, left behind glasses at the Sankaidō building. As if being spiritually guided, the opportunity to celebrate this building’s half-century story was born. The Sankaidō building will have a closure on August 1, after this exhibition - for now.
All materials but Kanazawa gold leaf, are scraps from the Sankaidō Building and 3331 Arts Chiyoda recently closed. For examples, a full-length dressing mirror, where female workers would check themselves in the changing room, retrospective keys to umbrella stands for rainy days, blue hoses for cleaning, chairs in silent slumber, awaiting their appearance in the basement once a year, and signboards of the awards ceremony displayed every Novembers together with the Japanese flag at the entrance of the building.
In these waste materials, unique values have been deeply ingrained over the course of 56 years - comings and goings of the building users, their tapping footsteps and footprints, ups and downs of elevators. Also, over these years, the building management office and cleaners beautifully looked after the property, as if to prove the pride of every single worker.
These days, our lack of love as a whole society gives birth to gun men, endless wars, only the acceleration of global warming and abusing SDGs terms. Living in a modern society with complex assignments, there’s no time to ponder our own country’s self-sufficiency. Instead, we buy whatever is cheaper and drink water from plastic bottles. When we are done, we do not think about life beyond recycling. That, that’s the feeling.
It is invisible, intangible, and fragile enough to fade away at any time yet it is an important moment that undoubtedly exists.
That, That’s The Feeling is perhaps a demonstration of moving a large society through subtle changes in people’s awareness and mindsets. Meeting the friendly and professional workers of the Sankaidō building, TSU engaged in heartfelt conversations and their generous support. This year’s rainy season is likely to bring purifying rain and mother nature will empathise with all the hearts of those who have deep feelings for the Sankaidō building.
History of the Sankaidō Building
The Sankaidō building dates back to 1881 (Meiji era 16). The origin of the building’s name is laid on the three first national associations: Dainippon Agricultural Association, Dainippon Forest Association, and Dainippon Fisheries Association. The founder of the three associations was Viscount Yajiro Shinagawa, the disciple of Mr. Shōin Yoshida. Currently, His Imperial Highness Crown Prince Akishino from Dainippon Agricultural Association and Dainippon Forest Association is serving as president. Since 1891, the office has been located at the current site of the Sankaidō building.
Records show it has been rebuilt four times. Although completely destroyed by fire during the Great Kanto Earthquake, the building was reconstructed thanks to the 1 million yen donation (approximately 10 billion yen in today's value) by Mr. Kumataro Ishigaki, a member of the Greater Japan Fisheries Association and pioneer of the North Sea fishing industry. During World War II, the interior was devastated by the B29 attacks, and all important documents were wiped out by fire. After the war, the building was requisitioned by the U.S. Occupation Forces and used as family quarters for GHQ officers for 12 years, then eventually returned to the Sankai union.
The Sankaidō building standing today is 56 years old. Due to deterioration, demolition work will begin in September 2023. The 5th Sankaidō building is scheduled to be completed in 2027.
「その、我々の気持ちだよね。」は、アーティストコレクティブ・TSUメンバーの一人 が、三会堂ビルにメガネを置き忘れたことから始まった。導かれるように私たちは、半世紀にわたるこのビルの物語の節目を祝う機会をいただいた。三会堂ビルは、個展終了後8月1日をもって一旦幕を閉じる。
これらの廃材には、人々の往来、足音、足跡、エレベーターの上下、そんな営みの全てが 56年の時間をかけて奥深く染み込んでいる。そしてこれらは長年にわたり、管理会社及び 清掃の方々によって隅々まで美しく管理されていた。それぞれが、このビルで働くことに 誇りを持っていたことを裏付けるかのように。
「その、我々の気持ちだよね。」は、一人一人の小さな気づきと心がけ、その小さな変化や活動によって、大きな社会を動かすことが可能であると証明したいのかもしれない。 TSUは、三会堂ビルで働く人々と出会い、彼らの笑顔や度量の広さに触れ、無形の会話の大切さを体験した。今年の梅雨は、三会堂ビルに想いを寄せる人々の心に寄り添う浄化の雨となりそうだ。
三会堂ビルの歴史は、1881年(明治14年)まで遡ります。三会堂ビルの名前の由来は、日本で最初の全国的団体の元となった、大日本農会・大日本山林会・大日本水産会の三会から命名されました。三会の創設者は、吉田松陰の門徒生であった子爵・品川弥二郎氏で、 大日本農会・大日本山林会の現在の総裁は秋篠宮皇嗣殿下。1891年から現在の三会堂ビル所在地に、事務所を構えています。